Toyohari Tools

Welcome to Barcelona

Toyohari Tools

A new site to present my work, dedicated to toyohari and shonishin tools creation.
I am an artisan with over 35 years of experience in contemporary jewelry. I create unique single pieces with passion and dedication. (see more in about me)
Back in 2002 I started working on the creation of toyohari tools. My methods are only artisan, with no industrial or bulk resources. The Techniques and procedures used , together with the care and love put into every detail, give special features to each tool. This quality is highly appreciated by the acupuncturists already using them.

Special thanks to thank them all, old and new customers. Thanks to them I have been able to spread  my work, word of mouth, teishin to teishin...
I am pleased to introduced you my work, discover it and feel free to contact me for any suggestions, doubts or any further comment you may have. Thanks a lot for your time.

Xavier Domènech

About Me

Xavi Domenech

My name is Xavier Domènch. I  was born in Barcelona in 1960. 
I studied artistic jewelry in Escola Massana and Fine Arts in Barcelona University. 
For 17 years and until 2004, I was a professor for Jewelry projects in Escola Massana in Barcelona.  

I have participated with my work in a great number of exhibitions, single and grouped ones, through all Europe, US and Canada. Some of my work  is shown in Edinburgh Scottish Museum, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg and Design Museum of Barcelona, as well as in several private collections. 

In 2002 I was asked by Steve Birch and Miguel Angel Cabré to create some toyohari and shonishin tools and since then, I have served several orders for acupuncturists all over the world. So far, I am pleased with the work done and  my clients have been very happy with the results.


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My Work


As Jeweler I only create single pieces.  Conceptualisation, creation and making process is made by me. Same works for toyohari tools creation process; from melting to form creation, the finishing and polishing, is only done through my hands, using only artisan methods. 

I love the artisan work and a committed and professional service for my clients. My work pieces are made one by one, with detail care and meeting every personal need from each order. 
I also do on demand orders with different or several metals, shape or size, meetings each acupuncture needs.

I have developed a  5 metals alloy (Ag, Au, Pt, Cu, Ni) that  I mainly used to do teishin. It’s highly appreciated by acupuncturists using it and they say it has very singular and unique harmonizing features.

My partner, Carmen Saumell, does toyohari herself and is an active member of SBTA (Spanish Branch of Toyohari Association). Her insights help me to a better understanding of the qualities and features needed on each tool in order to obtain better accuracy and effectiveness. Thanks to her and the association collaborations I am able to present my work in the Toyohari workshops held across Europe year over year. In such events, tools can be tested and special offers and  discounts are offered for purchases or orders.

I work without middlemen and on my owns. Pieces are entirely made in my workshop, they are unique and artisan and therefore  there is no piece like any other, each of them have their unique identity. 
Shape and size of the pieces may differ hundredth of millimeters at a time, or they might have a pinhole  on the metal surface. None of this interferes tool’s functionality, none the contrary, it makes is unique. 




Teishin Hand Made             


55 x 1,5 x ball diam. 1,5 m/m 

  • Silver 925 48 €

  • Copper 45 €

  • Gold 750 220 €

  • Platinum 999 180 €

  • 5 metals (Pt,Au,Ag,Cu,Ni) 160 €


70 X 1,5 X  BALL DIAM. 1,5 M/M

  • Silver 925 59 €

  • Copper 54 €

  • Gold 750 250 €

  • Platinum 999 210 €

  • 5 metals (Pt,Au,Ag,Cu,Ni) 200 €


55 x 2,5  x  ball diam.  2 m/m

  • Silver 925 72

  • Copper 70 €

  • 5 metals (Pt,Au,Ag,Cu, Ni) consult price

70 x 2,5  x  ball diam.   2 m/m

  • Silver 925 82 €

  • Copper 78 €

  • 5 metals (Pt,Au,Ag,Cu, Ni) consult price

90 X 2,5  X  BALL DIAM.  2 M/M

  • Silver 925 95

  • Copper 90 €

  • 5 metals (Pt,Au,Ag,Cu, Ni) consult price


55 x 3,5 x ball diam.  2,5 m/m

  • Silver 925 88 €

  • Copper 84 €

75 X 3,5 X BALL DIAM.  2,5 M/M

  • Silver 925 95

  • Copper 90 €


55 x 4 x ball  diam. 3 m/m

  • Silver 925 86 €

  • Copper 82 €

75 x 4  x  ball  diam. 3MM

  • Silver 925 99

  • Copper 95 €


95 x 3,5 x ball diam.2,5 m/m  (Yanagasita Teishin Silver)

  • Silver 925 109 €

  • Copper 105 €


100 x 3 x01 m/m  (TEISHIN Drop)

  • Silver 925 160 €

  • Copper 155 €

Entei-shin  Hand Made   


70 x 6 m/m

  • Silver 925 117 €

80 x 4 m/m

  • Silver 925 105

  • Copper 100 €

Zanshin  Hand Made


110  x up hole diam. 13 m/m   x  down hole  diam. down  3  m/m

  • Silver 925 210 €

  • Copper 180 €


Enshin between fingers

original idea by David Soeharto

original idea by David Soeharto


90 X 8 X  BALL  16 M/M

  • Silver 925 230 €

70 X 6 X  BALL DIAM.  12 M/M

  • Silver 925 185 €

65 X 5,5 X BALL DIAM. 9,5 M/M

  • Silver 925 150 €

35 X 5,5 X BALL DIAM 12,5 M/M

  • Silver 925 175 €

Shonishin Tools


Zanshin regular shonishin

  • Silver 925 115 €


Yonegama shonishin

35 x 20 x 3 m/m

  • Silver 925 85

40 x 30 x 4 m/m

  • Silver 925 105

21% VAT not included 

Orders and questions

Ask for other tools, metals and sizes by e-mail or phone.  

Others metals: please contact me to consult prices.

Delivery costs are not included and will be calculated accordingly.

